
How do i let go of something that once felt so right? You understood the way I interpreted the beauty i see through my eyes. You inspired my want to diversity. You listened and felt the same things that goes through my ears and what touched my heart, touched yours. Your rhythm, pace, movement, beat.. it was made for me. How do i forget how you heard the music before me and know just where to go, how do i forget how perfectly in tune our souls feel good towards?

How do i forget things like that? I don't. I don't forget. And so I would rather not make new ones that I would not be able to forget. In so many ways, you are irreplaceable.

I just need time to understand this love I have for you. Because I do have love. But there are so many types of love in this world. All i know is... you fitted one part of me perfectly. So incredibly perfectly.

Please forgive me.