
You don't know and you never cared to know

I gave my dogs coke (i meant the drink) and yeah they didn't like it. And i actually forced open Nala's mouth to drink 100 plus cause i wanted her to like it. Anyway, did I tell you that my mom would prefer for me to be fat (or fat-ter) and ugly so that she wouldn't hafta worry about guy trouble? Well mom, fear not cause boys fear me. Hah! Muaha! Muahaha! Well, I don't really blame them actually, i find me scary at times. I mean seriously, what the heck is wrong with her? Such a freako. So yeap, this is a picture of me and a baby's hand before i ate her. Enjoy. Whatever that's left of it.


Unknown said...

You know I read this post... then glanced up to your about me to read 'Very Ordinary'. hahaha...

Shearlee said...

hey! i am! okay i have no idea what else to say right now, but i am!