
If you can see it then you'll understand

I'm having one of those feelings when you think there is something you're suppose to do, but just can't recall what is it. It's rather disturbing. Also feelings like:

- When you're all packed, but you keep thinking there is something you might have forgotten.
- When someone says, "I've got a surprise for you". And they make you wait.
- When you can't remember a particular name of someone or a song/ artist/ movie.
- When you get false alarms for a sneeze.
- When the soul of your feet is itchy.
- When someone tells you the end of a movie you havent watch. Or who dies, it's all the same.
- When you get mini vomits. *Got that term from How I Met Your Mother. Barney is one hilarious soab

Wanna add to the list?
Now, what is it that i hafta do.. hmmm

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