
On the highway

170. No, that is not my weight, but of the speed i was in, (km/h) in a car driven by my brother. I'm not saying that he's not a good driver, he is an excellent driver. But as much as I like to boast about my fondness for speed, I cannot help but to imagine the outcome if something goes wrong in that split second. Will we survive? And believe me, I've got the wildest imagination. And then there was that time when we went on that crazyassshit ride at the fun fair. *&^$^%$#  I told the Lord above, if this is the way you want me to go, so be it. Needless to say, I do not trust machines (okay mebbe i'm a wee bit of a scardy cat). Silly as this may sound, my miracle would be that road accidents never happen again. Nobody deserves to die that way. But who I am to say, He is the life giver and taker. Am I afraid of death? I don't want to be. I read this quote once by Anais Nin, "People living deeply have no fear of death". Are you afraid of death?

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