
We feel the same things

As you know my fondness of indian bangles, I was wearing them today while at dinner at this store by the road. While eating, I decided that I'd like to give them to the two indian girls that asked me about it earlier on, they worked there. They were probably between 14-16years of age. But the thing was, I didn't know how to do it, that wouldn't make it seem like an offense. I walked over once I was done and I asked if they use such bangles, and refreshingly enough, she answered me instantly "yeah, give me two". I told her to take it all, and to divide between her sister. There were probably 12-15 bangles. We said bye then I trailed after my parents. They are made of glass, so I could feel the weight off my wrists, and I could also feel a little weight off my heart. I shall have a good week. :)

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